January 28, 2008


Today is the 20th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision -- the Supreme Court Case that legalized abortion across Canada.

We Canadian pro-choicers are proud that abortion is and continues to be legal in this country, and that there's no really credible political movement to ban it. But it isn't enough.

The availability of abortion continues to be a problem. If you're a woman living anywhere other than Canada's major cities, you're not going to be able to find someone in your hometown who will perform abortions. It doesn't matter if abortion is legal if you can't get one when you need one.

I don't think I need to review all the pro-choice arguments here. It's been done, better, by other bloggers. Let me just say that a woman's right to control her own body is fundamental. And that includes (or should include) women living further north than 150km from the U.S. border.

Canadians for Choice has lots of information about the real state of abortion services in this country. Check them out.

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